Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why They Exist...

So I've really been digging this "blogging" concept alot. I set out today to do some research on why some of these social networks exist. Let's take a look:

Virb - "Virb is a place that lets you put all of the things that make you - photos, videos, blogs - in one place. So you can find friends and friends can find you.

Facebook - Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you.

Myspace - "A place for friends."

Twitter - Stay connect w/ friends in a variety of ways.

Blogger - "Push-button publishing."

Livejournal - LiveJournal lets you express yourself, share your life, and connect with friends online.

Friendster - "Find. Connect. Stay in touch."

Incredibly interesting all of the social networks are about one thing: Connection! As the web community matures and develops the need for information dimishes, but the need for community increases. It's also interesting to see how information is becoming "minaturized." Twitter is a great example of that. Twitter is all about bite-sized information. I think starting next week I will blog everyday using a "bite-sized" approach. Let me know what you think about it. I'd be interested to receive your feedback.

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