Saturday, September 29, 2007

Know Risk. Know Reward

It's 6:34 am in the windy city (Chicago, IL).  I'm sitting at gate C17 of O'Hare waiting for my plane to arrive and then get back home.   I just passed a billboard in the airport that said, "Know Risk.  Know Reward."  How amazing is that?  I just spent the last 3 days at Granger Community Church in South Bend, IN attending the Innovate Conference.  One of the things that I'm learning is that there is risk involved in change, but today I was reminding of the fact of how there can be reward.  Mark Beeson, GCC's senior/lead pastor challenged the attendees to live this year with no regret.  His definition of regret was simple, "Regret is not doing something that you know how to do or have the means to do it."  I think that was his definition.  The point is I know how to be innovative, but I'm going to have "narrow my focus" in order to have time for that.  Isn't that just the bummer in life sometimes?  There's so much you could do, but in the end you have to pick a few things to concentrate on.