Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rethinking the music...

So, I'm sitting in seat 17C (I'm an aisle guy) of United flight 707 on my way home from the Christian Musicians Summit. First, I must tell you if you've never heard or been to CMS you must go! CMS is an annual gathering of like 3,000 christian musicians. It usually takes place in Seattle, WA. I did notice though that there are two other locations/dates that CMS takes place. You can check on there website for more info Anyway, what an inspiration to hang-out with christian musicians of various skill levels. I took almost every seminar on song writing. I sat in on seminars with Steve Merkel, Bob Kilpatrick, Tommy Walker, Paul Baloche, and Brenton Brown. These guys are skilled in there craft and I value each one of them.

As I sit here, listenting to Phil Wickham's new record, I am inspired to song write more. One thing that Steve Merkel said that has stuck with me is, "You must be willing to work on your craft - daily!" I don't do that. I come up with reason after reason to put that part of my calling on the back burner. I just got done listenting to my first studio recording. That brings back memories :) I remember the passion, time and heart that went into that first attempt at recording. It's funny there was also an innocence that was connected to those first songs.

Some of you, who know me, might be asking, "Matt, when are you going to start writing and recording again?" Let me answer that in two parts. First, I have been writing new material, but I haven't put my nose to the grind stone to finish them yet. Second, I plan on recording, but man it's so hard to find the time. With a full time job and ministry in the development stages it's hard to devote time to the recording process. I want to, my will is there, but I just haven't carved the time out for it.

Okay, here it goes, here's my attempt to carve out time to record. I'm going to plan on taking the month of May to record. That's it - May!



will parker said...

yeah, now you can teach me the little tricks you learned in Ableton!!

ML said...

You got it man! Love you dude. See you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you leave room for a guest drummer on the record! ;) I have some lyrics that I've messed around with, I should send them to you and see what you can do with them.

ML said...

Heck yes you should send them over...